Pixl8 FAQ

Who are we?

After discovering a case with 3 cards labeled PIXEL8 we created a team known as the founding 8. We created this website to raise awareness of these cards and ask everyone to help us uncover them.

Our mission

After discovering these cards we are now determined to share them with the world. We discovered 3 cards but who knows how many are out there? So with the help of everyone, we belive we can collect them all so everyone can enjoy the card game known as PIXEL8.

Where did Pixel8 come from?

While we did discover these cards, we are unsure of their origins. we have found no record of them outside of the case we unearthed.

How do you play Pixel8?

We have yet to uncover a ruleset for pixel8, but as it stands the cards have very straight forward rules so we encourage players to come up with their own ruleset.